LỚP TOEIC Thứ 4, CN 22/8
Buổi 1 (22/08/2010) : Giới thiệu bài thi TOEIC.
Ở lớp, làm Minitest:
File nghe cho Mini Test Part 1 ; Part 2 ; Part 3 ; Part 4
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Nghe và Ghi lại các cụm từ thường gặp: Bài 1, Bài 2, Bài 3, Bài 4 (trong sách Listening)
Bài 1(002)-BST

Bài 2(004)-BST- Loading...
Bài 3(006)-BST- : Loading...
Bài 4(008)-BST- Loading...
1. Hình ảnh liên quan đến Công ty
Using the computer
Typing on a keyboard
Typing a document
Being seated at the computer
Looking at the monitor
The monitor is blank.
2. Cuộc họp/Phát biểu
Be gathered for a meeting
Standing at the podium
Facing the front of the room
Speaking into the microphone
Using the overhead projector
Addressing his colleagues
Some of the seats are unoccupied.
3. Tài liệu / Photocopy
Examining a document
Standing by the copier
Handing some paper
Looking through the documents
Making some copies
Doing some paperwork
The lid of the copier is open.
4. Điện thoại
Talking on the phone
Lined up at the phone booth
Using the telephone
Conducting a phone conversation
Holding the receiver
None of the phones are being used.

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