Buổi 2 (29/8/2010): Cách làm bài phần Hoàn thành câu + Noun/Pronoun
Nghe trong sách nghe: Nghe và chọn đáp án đúng-011

Nghe và chọn câu mô tả đúng-012

Script Nghe va chon dap an + chọn câu mô tả đúng

 Script Nghe va chon dap an + chọn câu mô tả đúng

B. The items are on sale.

C. The clerk is stocking the shelves with products.

D. There are various goods in the store.

E. All the bottles are identical.


A. The boat is tied up to the pier.

B. The boat is floating in the water.

C. The waves are pounding on the shore.

D. Ducks are swimming in the lake.

E. The boat is passing under the bridge.


A. People are walking up and down the stairs.

B. The woman is holding the railing.

C. The woman is leaning onto the railing.

D. The woman is descending the steps.

E. The staircase is leading up to the next level.


A. The man is waiting for his turn.

B. The man is wearing a vest.

C. The man is fixing the scale.

D. Vegetables are sorted into boxes.

E. The man is weighing something.


A. Water is being poured into glasses.

B. People are seated around the table.

C. People are finishing their meals.

D. People are dressed up.

E. People are trying on the glasses.

6. Làm quen với cảm giác thi thật


(A) They are looking in the same direction.

(B) The customer is purchasing the items.

(C) The customer is handing the clerk a credit card.

(D) The customer is walking through the check-out counter.


(A) Some people are yachting in the water.

(B) Some people are waving from the building window.

(C) Something is being reflected in the mirror.

(D) The buildings are overlooking the water.


(A) The food is being served at the table.

(B) She is examining the menu.

(C) She is holding chopsticks in her hand.

(D) She is clearing off the dishes.


(A) The floor is being polished.

(B) The door is being repaired.

(C) The windows are being replaced.

(D) The stairs lead to the floor.


(A) They are getting information from the clerk.

(B) They are holding a shoe.

(C) The shoes are displayed on the shelf.

(D) They are standing back to back.


(A) The ship is passing under the bridge.

(B) The trees are growing on both sides of the river.

(C) Some people are strolling along the water.

(D) The trees have already lost their leaves.


(A) The TV set has been disconnected.

(B) He is holding the electrical cord.

(C) There is a plant in the corner of the room.

(D) The couches are placed below the picture frame.


(A) The man is slicing the ham.

(B) The man is hanging some ham above the counter.

(C) The man is clearing off the counter.

(D) The store is open for business.

Sách tham khảo thêm cho khóa luyện TOEIC:

1) Phần mềm TOEIC Mastery (Google rồi download về);
2) Sách 600 Essential Words for TOEIC (Ôn luyện thêm từ vựng);
3) TOEFL Cliff (Ôn luyện thêm ngữ pháp)

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